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Real Talks



"Real Talks" is a resource for parents. The idea of “Real Talks” is to encourage authentic conversation about topics affecting our children and youth. As you see editions of “Real Talks," please make sure you take time to read what’s being discussed at school and how you can add to the discussion as a parent/guardian. “Real Talks” will provide talking points for you to initiate conversations with your kid(s) at home. As the proverb goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Northwest ISD, in partnership with you, will strive to facilitate healthy life choices for our students. To take advantage of this resource check out the following link:

NISD Real Talks Website

NISD College and Career Readiness Website 

Northwest ISD provides resources for college and career readiness. Information is available on SAT, ACT, PSAT, ParchmentFinancing CollegeTransitioning to CollegeCareer ReadinessDual Credit in NISDAdvance Placement in NISD and more. To access this resource click on the following link: College and Career Readiness Website

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